Enhancing Security: Effective Elevator Access Control Solutions

Guests use elevator access control

Elevators are often an afterthought when you think about access control for your property, but they shouldn’t be overlooked. Given the level of access and traffic that your elevators see on a daily basis, the benefits of a complete access control solution like RemoteLock can’t be overstated.

Types of Elevator Access Control

Elevators play a crucial role in building security. Without proper access control, they can become a vulnerability. Every building has different security needs, so RemoteLock offers comprehensive solutions to manage elevator access efficiently.

1. Public Elevator with Open Access

In this elevator access control configuration, anyone can call the elevator to the lobby using the call button and anyone can access any floor. This is the simplest solution for buildings with low security needs or full public access to all floors.

2. Public Elevator with Controlled Lobby Access

With this arrangement, approved tenants or residents can call an elevator to the lobby with their key cards or fobs. Once inside the elevator, they can select any floor. This prevents unauthorized users from entering the building beyond the lobby, but grants tenants full access.

3. Private Elevator with Restricted Floor Access

In this arrangement, tenants and residents need their keycard or fob not only to call the elevator, but to reach the specific floors to which they have access. For example, you might set up your elevators so that:

  • Tenants or residents can only reach the floor on which they live
  • Tenants and residents can only access shared facilities like a pool, gym, or parking garage if they’ve paid for access
  • Certain floors with mechanical facilities, pump rooms, mail sorting, staff offices etc. are only accessible to staff

In this configuration, access readers will need to be installed in both the lobby and each elevator.

4. Restrict Access Based on Business Hours

This elevator access control configuration is often used in commercial buildings where access is needed throughout the building, but is limited after hours. In this configuration, you can grant open access during business hours, then restrict them when the business closes.

You can also fine-tune access if you’d like, granting access to maintenance and cleaning crews or business owners after hours when the public is no longer allowed in the building, or you can grant access to residential floors but close access to businesses. With RemoteLock’s universal access control system, you can customize access to whatever degree fits your property’s needs.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Elevator Access Control

Regardless of which configuration of elevator access control works best for your property, a cloud-based solution like RemoteLock allows you to manage elevator access easily and quickly from anywhere you have internet access. 

Manage Elevator Access from the RemoteLock Dashboard

Remote Access Control Management

If staff or vendors need access to a certain floor to respond to an unexpected issue, property managers can quickly respond and grant or revoke access from anywhere. 

Easier Guest Management

Through RemoteLock’s user-friendly dashboard, you can also easily manage guests by providing access to only permissible floors. There’s no risk of guests roaming around in areas where they shouldn’t be.

Safer Short-Term Rental Operations

For those managing multifamily buildings that allow short-term rentals, easily managing elevator access is critical. Guests get the feeling of an exclusive retreat, while residents never worry about guests having access to floors they shouldn’t. 

Detailed Data Insights and Analytics

RemoteLock’s access reports are easy to view and can tell you who accessed which floors, who used specific credentials, and at what specific times. With detailed reports on elevator usage, you can gain valuable insights into building security and access patterns.

Tips for Successful Implementation 

Elevator access control can be complicated. But with expert guidance, you should be able to achieve the function and level of security you desire for your property. Here are a few other tips to consider: 

Installer sets up an elevator's access.

  • Remember that the elevator access control contractor or installer needs to be in contact with the elevator vendor. Each elevator model has its own controllers and components, which have to be wired to the ACS controller to make your preferred access control configuration operable.   
  • Each floor is counted as a door and requires its own connection to the RemoteLock controller.
  • Don’t forget about stairwells when designing your elevator access control solution. If you opt for access control on the elevator with permissions needed for certain floors, then your stairwell needs to be addressed as well. There are solutions that involve readers on the inside of the stairwell to allow access to certain floors, but also permit people in the building to exit via the stairwell to the main floor in case of fire. 

Do you have a building or an upcoming project that requires elevator access control? RemoteLock has the expertise to help you. Contact us today! 


Universal Access Control

We provide cloud-based, access control software that empowers those in the multifamily, vacation rental, commercial and related industries to remotely manage and control access to any space from anywhere in the world.