New Year’s Resolutions You CAN Keep

It’s that time again! The turning of the calendar to a new year brings both the opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months and the chance to begin planning for the next dozen. Before you jump to the ol’ stand-bys of “eat healthier” and “spend less time on social media,” we offer this ready-made list of popular resolutions with a few tiny tweaks for multi-family, vacation rental, and commercial operators pondering their 2022 moves in access control.

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Lose Weight … By Losing All Those Keys

You really have no idea how much those property keys are weighing you down until you finally kiss them goodbye. With a modern-day access control system like RemoteLock, you create, distribute, and revoke access codes in seconds without worrying ever again about tracking or replacing physical keys. Just picture it. You–sans those heavy keys–sitting behind a single, sleek, intuitive dashboard that allows you to manage every door from wherever you are. It’s the new you!

Spend More Time On the Things That Matter …  Like Making Money 😄

A truly precious welcome basket for guests. A masterful marketing strategy that will win over even the most cantankerous boss. An artfully handled remediation between two residents who give “immature” a whole new meaning. You see? You have time for all these important things now that you’re free from micromanaging access. RemoteLock’s cloud-based solution automates many of those mundane operational tasks. It integrates smoothly with property management software and rental booking platforms, so communications are automatically sent and you enjoy real visibility into who’s accessing your property, when and where. Our software also allows you to customize access schedules for residents, guests, visitors, and vendors, increasing security and safety for all.

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Cut Back On … Too Many Access Control Systems

We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard customers say they need to cut back. You know, there’s one system for the heavy-traffic, main entrances that works with fobs, another system for unit doors that works with PIN codes, and still another system for the parking garage that works with prox cards. Too many systems!

Universal access control from RemoteLock covers every door on one platform. This includes hardwired, high-traffic main entrances, smart locks on residential units, garage entrances, even hard-to-manage doors that may not have internet connectivity. With RemoteLock software, you can easily manage and secure the flow of traffic at your front door, grant access to a maintenance professional to enter the pool, grant access for residents by floor on elevators—all from one central point of command.

Reduce Stress … by Reducing Stress

Ever wonder if someone has walked off with a key or duplicated it? Or maybe you’ve worried that an employee left the door ajar to the server room. RemoteLock wipes away all those worries because it gives you visibility into who is accessing your property, when and which door, too. Just a glance at your dashboard reveals so much–which doors are locked or unlocked, alerts for denied access, battery power, and more. It’s easy to create and revoke access credentials with a few clicks on your laptop or smartphone from wherever you are. Running reports is simple, too, allowing you to see last night’s entries and exits from every property, and printing the report in a click. 

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Dream Big …  With Your Head in the Cloud

If you’re still lugging around those physical keys for mechanical locks, 2022 is the year to dream big. Like many other industries, property management is rapidly embracing cloud-based technologies for their flexibility, convenience, and security. For example, RemoteLock is infinitely scalable, allowing you to manage 10 doors or thousands. Our platform plays nicely with the most popular smart lock brands, giving you more choices to customize your system. Finally, we have a host of integration partners to streamline even more of your work with new partners joining us every month.

2022: The Year of Working Smarter

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that more than 80% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned in a few short weeks. While we can’t help you on the personal front, RemoteLock has the access control solution that helps multi-family, vacation rental, and commercial property operators work smarter. Talk to us today about how cloud-based access control software can become a good habit you’ll never want to break.



Automated Access Control and More

RemoteLock has been automating access control and improving on-site property operations efficiencies across multiple industries, including vacation rental and multifamily, for more than ten years. As a leading access-centered property operations software platform provider with more than 10,000 customers in 75+ countries, RemoteLock helps property managers enable, control, and automate access and climate control across their portfolio. RemoteLock’s platform saves property managers time and money through the elimination of tasks for onsite staff and helps scale businesses with greater confidence. It is differentiated by its dozens of integrations with applicable hardware and business software systems for an easy-to-use, turn-key solution.