
The BuZZ on TTLocks

March 12, 2024

Thinking about testing the digital waters with a smart lock? Now’s a great time, as the selection of smart locks has never been better. Researchers valued the smart lock market at $2.1 billion USD in 2023, and it’s expected to keep growing.  For newcomers, TTLock and its compatible smart locks can be the ideal choice….

Proptech Trends for 2023

nolan headshot
Nolan Mondrow
January 10, 2023

Proptech has undoubtedly become one of the buzziest words of the decade. But what does it mean? The best definition I’ve found defines the category of property technology as “all the tech tools real estate participants use to optimize the way people buy, sell, research, market and manage a property.”  As I look at how…

Reaping the Rewards of Access-Control Data

August 23, 2022

Nearly everything businesses do today generates data, mountains of it. Accounting professionals are constantly reviewing invoices, purchase orders and delivery receipts to accurately budget and forecast. Marketing departments dive into conversion rates, content engagement and re-posts. Multifamily and commercial building operators are reviewing historical occupancy trends to strategize for new growth. There’s data everywhere, and,…

blog access control data

New Year’s Resolutions You CAN Keep

December 29, 2021

It’s that time again! The turning of the calendar to a new year brings both the opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months and the chance to begin planning for the next dozen. Before you jump to the ol’ stand-bys of “eat healthier” and “spend less time on social media,” we offer this ready-made…

ny blog resolutions