How RedPeak Simplified Apartment Management with RemoteLock Integration

The turnover process, a mundane part of the daily operation of any multifamily community, is time-consuming and hectic. For Daniel Petersen, Fire & Life Safety Coordinator and Access Control Systems Manager for RedPeak communities, the move-out process in particular poses security risks.

Managing Turnovers Quickly and Safely

Consider this: a busy leasing agent at RedPeak, who sees half of her units turn over each year, has plenty of incentive to give access to her new resident, who wants to get into their new home. But the resident who just moved out? Revoking their access can be easily forgotten in the hubbub of a turnover.

“Now we have a resident that has access to a unit they’re no longer paying for, which poses a big security risk,” points out Petersen. “Being able to automate those actions as much as possible is huge for us.”

With RemoteLock and Yardi working together, Petersen and his team can automate access for residents and staff to not only save significant time on turnovers, but also eliminate the risk of human error and ensure that unintended access is a thing of the past.

The interface syncs lease-related details from Yardi Voyager directly with RemoteLock to:

  • Automate access for residents: A RedPeak team member approves a new resident to move in via Yardi Voyager and access permissions are automatically granted. The same happens when a resident moves out: access is automatically revoked.
  • Automate access for turnovers: Access codes for cleaners, painters, inspectors, etc. can also be automatically created or revoked.
  • Automate access for resident transfers: When a resident moves between units, this info also automatically syncs. If a resident’s new unit includes different door groups, the proper access is automatically granted.

With RemoteLock and Yardi Voyager already in use at RedPeak, it was an easy decision to turn on this automation. “It saves everybody a lot of time and heartache because that was a manual process before,” Petersen remarks about managing bulk changes in access during turnovers. He doesn’t have to worry about a team member forgetting to create access for vendors like painters, cleaners, and carpet cleaners, and the wasted time that ensues. Teams just continue to use Yardi Voyager like they have before with RemoteLock working behind the scenes to automate access.

Best of all? Petersen gets peace of mind that no one — staff, vendors or residents — has access where they shouldn’t.

Petersen confirms the time-savings are real. Now, team members have the time to perfect each unit turn. “We can focus on making sure everything is high quality, and we’re not missing those little details that make RedPeak what it is,” says Petersen.

Managing Every RedPeak Door and Building on One Streamlined Platform

Back in 2016, RedPeak deployed RemoteLock’s universal access control and smart locks throughout its communities. Among its many benefits, RemoteLock’s remote access management function proved particularly useful to over 60 RedPeak employees across various departments such as maintenance, community management and leasing who deal with access control. “Being able to get vendors access without going to each property, especially since we’re so spread out, is a huge time saver,” continues Petersen. “If I had to actually show up and give people physical access, I’d have to have another one or two people to do my job.”

Remote Access Proves Invaluable Across Portfolio

The impact of integrating RemoteLock has been undeniable:

  • Increased safety and efficiency during turnovers at 900 units across 15 buildings
  • Streamlined tech experience: continue to use Yardi interface with RemoteLock automating access in background
  • Saved time and headcount with remote access control for 2,559 users at 49 locations
  • Peace of mind and elimination of hassle surrounding physical keys

Ready to See What RemoteLock Can Do For You?


Universal Access Control

We provide cloud-based, access control software that empowers those in the multifamily, vacation rental, commercial and related industries to remotely manage and control access to any space from anywhere in the world.