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RemoteLock + Yardi Voyager® for Automatic Turnover Access

Instead of eating up precious time with all the pesky tasks around access during apartment turnovers, turn your turnovers over to RemoteLock and Yardi.

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Turnovers at war-speed image

Turnovers at Warp-Speed

Today’s rental market is fast and furious. Now, your turnovers can catch up with RemoteLock’s universal access control + Yardi. With these two technologies working together, property managers can automate access for residents and staff, saving precious time and helping vacant units reach occupancy quicker.

Access for Turnovers and More

This interface syncs lease–related details from Yardi directly with RemoteLock to automate your most tedious tasks.

Approve new residents to move in via Yardi Voyager and access permissions are automatically granted. The same happens when residents move out: access is automatically revoked.

Residents move into their new apartment

Access for everyone involved in turning over an apartment can be automated as well. So access codes for cleaners, painters, inspectors, etc. are automatically created or revoked.

Turnover staff cleans an empty apartment

Need to issue access credentials in a hurry for a move-in? Need to immediately revoke access for a move-out or eviction? With RemoteLock’s sync-on-demand feature, you don’t have to wait for the next hourly integration sync to issue access credentials.

Emergency maintenance staff fix a leaky pipe

When residents move between units, this info also automatically syncs. If a resident’s new unit includes different door groups, the proper access is automatically granted.

A resident leaves their apartment with a smart lock

To-Do List Obliterated

RemoteLock works behind the scenes to automate access, while you continue to use the Yardi Voyager software you already know.

  • Automatic delivery of access codes for all turnover staff 
  • Super smooth move-ins and move-outs 
  • Hyper-efficient turnovers with units ready to rent faster 
  • Enhanced safety with time-bound, randomly generated access codes

Actually Automatic

After some initial setup of triggers, you can fully automate access throughout turnovers.

Resident move-in is approved in Yardi Voyager.

RemoteLock automatically grants resident access.

Resident is set to move out in Yardi Voyager.

RemoteLock automatically revokes resident access.

Unit status is updated to vacant in Yardi Voyager.

RemoteLock automatically grants access to turnover staff. 

Turnover is complete and unit status is updated in Yardi Voyager.

RemoteLock automatically revokes access for turnover staff.

RemoteLock and Yardi Voyager Turnover Process Infographic

Learn More About Universal Access Control From RemoteLock

Our ultra-flexible platform is designed to work with an ever-growing list of smart lock brands and hardwired solutions. Chat with us today about how RemoteLock simplifies property access, automates time-consuming tasks and eliminates the hassle of keys for good.

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