How Data Drives Smarter Property Management

One of the most powerful features of RemoteLock’s access control platform is the data that property owners can collect. From real-time monitoring of every time a door is opened or unlocked across their properties to generating reports and analytics of access behavior, RemoteLock empowers property owners to use data to their advantage in creating a more efficient, secure property.

The Most Valuable Data for Property Managers

There are dozens of data points that RemoteLock customers can monitor when managing their properties. Our customers find the following very valuable:

  • Access events: an access event occurs any time someone unlocks or opens a door. While you may not need real-time notifications each time a door is opened, these events create a more complete picture of how your property is being used.
  • Denied entries: for some property owners, it’s just as important to know when someone didn’t access a building as when they did. With RemoteLock, you can tell when someone attempted to use a code, which code they used, and where they used it.
  • Credential usage: depending on your property, you might be using PIN codes, fobs, mobile credentials, or some combination of the three. Since RemoteLock unifies every access event regardless of hardware, you can generate a report for each user that tells you which credentials they used, on which doors, and when.
  • Account activity: while it’s important to know how people are accessing your property, it’s equally important to keep tabs on how people are using the software itself. RemoteLock can generate reports on who’s creating new user accounts and what privileges those accounts have, quickly letting you know if a staff member is using the software incorrectly.

By logging events and notifying managers of key activity, RemoteLock helps you to monitor access control activity in real time, ensuring a safe and seamless experience for everyone involved.

How Data Enhances Operational Efficiency

Black woman working from home office

With RemoteLock’s analytics, property managers save significant time and effort that would otherwise be spent manually monitoring access points. 

Automatic access logs and notifications make it easy to track who is coming and going, which is especially important for managing maintenance schedules, housekeeping, and contractor access. Instead of juggling physical keys and managing various systems, RemoteLock allows managers to focus on optimizing operations and improving the guest or resident experience.

For example, a property manager can set schedules for maintenance staff based on data showing when guests or residents are typically out of the building. This improves efficiency and reduces unnecessary interactions between staff and occupants, streamlining operations and improving overall satisfaction.

Managers might also use data to optimize the access schedules around certain amenities. If a generated report indicates that no one is using the pool after dark or that no one is using the business center in the summer, managers might change the times that those areas can be accessed, saving themselves time and money on staffing and upkeep.

How Data Enhances Security

In addition to improving the operational efficiency of your property, RemoteLock’s access control data can significantly enhance security.

Detailed access logs provide a full audit trail, allowing property managers to identify improper usage or potential security threats. 

For example, one of our customers noticed that a door in a secluded part of their multifamily property was reporting an unusually high number of denied entries, indicating that someone might be trying to guess codes to break into the building. The managers added a light and camera to that door, and the denied entries stopped.

Data can also help managers keep track of suspicious or inappropriate behavior by their staff, such as accessing secure areas at off hours or accessing guests’ or residents’ personal space.

In the event of a theft or other crime, access data becomes a valuable tool for auditing who had access to which areas, when, and whether their credentials were used. Some RemoteLock-compatible hardware can even tell the difference between a credentialed entry and a forced entry and report accordingly.

Data Collection for Multifamily Housing and Vacation Rentals

While both vacation rentals and multifamily properties benefit from RemoteLock’s analytics, the data points they focus on can differ. For vacation rentals, access data around guest check-in and check-out times is crucial for ensuring smooth transitions between stays. 

Denied entry events are also important — if your guests can’t get into their rental, managers need to know as quickly as possible. It’s also crucial to ensure that former guests don’t retain access after their stay ends.

In multifamily properties, the focus shifts more toward managing long-term resident and visitor access. Simplifying visitor credential management — whether it’s for a dog walker, package delivery, or a guest — can improve resident satisfaction while maintaining security. Multifamily managers may also use data to ensure that resident access is appropriately limited to shared spaces like gyms, pools, or common areas.

Real-World Examples of Data Usage

Real-world applications of RemoteLock’s data-driven platform demonstrate its effectiveness in optimizing operations and improving property security. Multifamily property owners have used access data to adjust access schedules to common areas, ensuring that those areas are accessible when they are most wanted and that resources aren’t wasted on maintaining and staffing empty facilities.

A corporate client also used RemoteLock data to their advantage. Property managers noticed that PIN codes were being used at doors and times that they shouldn’t have been, indicating that staff and maintenance workers were sharing codes. By switching to key fobs, they were able to ensure that their access data was accurate and that access privileges weren’t being abused.

In another instance, a vacation rental property manager noticed that their guests often checked in well after dark and entered the wrong code before entering it correctly. They surmised that the lock, which didn’t have an illuminated PIN pad, was making it difficult for guests to check in. By improving the pathway and lighting in that area, they were able to enhance the guest experience and improve safety, all driven by insights gathered from the platform.

How Data Can Help You

RemoteLock’s powerful analytics platform enables property managers to make data-driven decisions that enhance efficiency, security, and resident satisfaction. Whether it’s vacation rental check-ins or managing multifamily resident access, the ability to track, monitor, and analyze key data points ensures better operations and an improved experience for all. To learn more about how RemoteLock can transform your property management process, request a demo today.


Universal Access Control

We provide cloud-based, access control software that empowers those in the multifamily, vacation rental, commercial and related industries to remotely manage and control access to any space from anywhere in the world.